The Brink Of

The Brink Of | Gnula ONLINE

The Brink Of
202487 Min.0/10
Indie pop duo Lena and James are rising artists whose songs leave fans wondering if they are more than just bandmates. Their first album leads them to reflect on how deep their relationship really runs.
Ficha Técnica
TítuloThe Brink Of
Título OriginalThe Brink Of
Duración87 Min.
Año de Estreno2024
GénerosRomance, Música
DirectoresPatrick Meaney, Khana Tillman, Wes Dunlap
ActoresTim Hoffmann, Sara Silva, Mina Tobias, Tony Wolf, Athena Demos, Camille Wormser, Daniel Kim, Sionne Elise, James Olivas, Max Havas, Yael Tygiel, Mark Parsons, Cole Heramb, Kevin Garrard, Wes Dunlap
ProductoresNicolette Norgaard, olivia crowell, Jordan Rennert, Jonathan McHugh, Tamara Conniff, Justin O'Brien, olivia crowell, jack gewant